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Intel Core i9 9900K – Intel’s Answer to RYZEN is here!

This is what we got with the 9900k CPU

I want to preface this and state again that while we wish we had received the actual consumer packaging which would have been cool for an unboxing, we got a much simpler setup.

Here as you can see we got a 9th gen announcement package with a pentagon-shaped paper cover. Once removed you can see the 9900k sitting in its plastic retainer. there’s not much more than that.

Here you can see the CPU itself. Sorry I cleaned it best I could but I had to get to testing and making sure everything was good to go due to the limited time. But I’m sure you get the idea even if my CPU is not all pretty out of a freshly opened box.

Now with the new 9900k CPU and full refresh, there are multiple CPUs and also a refresh of motherboards in the Z390 chipset. The major notes of importance with the Z390 will be integrated WiFi AC MAC, NEW ME Firmware 12, and up to six native USB 3.1 Gen 2 (up to 10Gbps) ports.. Along with some other goodies we have seen which board manufacturers are baking into the new board models.

Let’s check out those boards now.

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  1. So you need yet another mb with a new, re-cooked intel only chipset… MMmmmm NO. Ive for the first gen AMD and I can put in after a new bios the 2nd gen core/16 thread ryzen and then I can put in the 3rd gen die shrink and speed up ryzen. So pass. For what Intel are charging you can buy the ryzen, mb and memory. And did you see the power and thermals needed once you go past 4.0ghz! Well my amd is sweet at 4 and Im happy ~ intel can again go broke as they have learnt nothing!

    • You do not need a new motherboard. The Z370 or other 300 series chipset will work just fine with it… We would recommend a newer 390 based board for pushing the limits of the 9900K though.

  2. 1. why are reviewers running super pi on this multicore chip? 2. why are we still doing single core benchmarks on workstation “like” chips? 3. all the benchmarks software ran on this chip favor and are written for intel. 4. you did not even attempt to put a TR 10 core in the mix. 5. this chip is not a ground up chip. 6. some of the conclusions to the review, i agree with.

    • The review clearly states the feelings toward the “value proposition” of the 9900K as far as the benchmarks being Intel focused, this is a complete fallacy. These benchmarks are static vendor agnostic ways of interpreting IPC performance differences. There is no 10 core TR chip… and I see no point comparing a HEDT platform to a mainstream platform, that simply doesn’t make sense.

      Either way you look at it, the introduction of the 9900K has actually helped more than hurt AMD.

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