Friday , 20 September 2024
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NVIDIA GeForce FX Family Preview

NVIDIA’s roadmap for it’s GeForce FX family of GPUs will fill every market segment with DirectX 9 hardware. This preview looks at NVIDIA’s line-up, roadmap, and a quick preview of NV31 and NV34.

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The EPoX 8RDA+ is a fine addition to the available nForce2 motherboards. It’s well-designed and documented and comes with plenty of options and accessories. Its BIOS is highly configurable and overclocker friendly. Sound, USB, FireWire, and Ethernet support are all top-notch as well.

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SmartDisk USB 2.0 Portable Hard Drive

For a speedy, reliable and portable storage solution, you really can’t go wrong with SmartDisk USB 2.0 Portable Hard Drives. At 7200RPM and 80GB, there isn’t much that can’t be put on this hard drive. It’s a simple and convenient way to trade and back up files, especially if you …

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