Discreet Card Performance
Paired with the GTX 670, we can see that at high-end gaming, it really depends on if the game is more CPU bound or GPU bound. If it is more GPU bound the A8-5800K has absolutely no problem in keeping up with the Core i7 3700K. However, if it is more CPU bound, then the A8-5800K still lags behind the Intel’s offering. The Core i7 3770K is selling at more than double of the price that A8-5800K will be selling so its performance is not too shabby considering its pricing. We put the A10-5800K against the Core i7 3770K because AMD markets the APU to be a quad core and we want to see just how much performance difference would it be between the two quad core CPUs. AMD targets the A8-5800K against the Core i3 from Intel and we will need run that benchmark to make a fair comparison.