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Seagate 8TB Enterprise Capacity 3.5″ HDD v5 (ST8000NM0055)

Benchmarks Cont.

HD Tune Pro 5.50



HD Tune Pro shows the Seagate 8TB Enterprise Capacity HD in at 228.3MB/s average with a maximum speed of 240.3MB/s and an access time of 8.72ms and 8% CPU usage. What we are seeing across a spectrum of tests is that the Seagate 8TB Enterprise Capacity HD is an unstoppable force of nature and runs in the 220 – 230MB/s range consistently. We like consistency and dependability and thus far the Seagate 8TB Enterprise Capacity HD is setting on top the consistency pile and we’ve never seen a drive with this consistency before.


The Extra Test portion of HD Tune Pro yields additional information in that we also get IOPS. Random Seek 4 KB shows 123 IOPS with a time of 8.150ms and 0.479MB/s. Jumping to Sequential outer we get 3597 IOPS with a time of 0.278 ms and 224.809 MB/s and the Sequential middle and Inner both show much the same thing between 215 MB/s and 226 MB/s and the longer we go the more exceptional the Seagate 8TB Enterprise Capacity HD looks.

Anvil Storage Utilities


Anvil Storage Utilities is one of those programs that gives a ton of data and we usually concentrate on the 4MB and the 4K. The 4MB read shows us 44 IOPS with a speed of 176 MB/s while the 4K shows 193.75 IOPS and 0.76 MB/s. On the read side of things the 4MB test shows 29.68 IOPS and 118.72 MB/s while the 4K shows 1166.74 IOPS and 4.56MB/s. The response time for reads at the 4K level is an amazing 5.1613ms while 4k write gives us 0.857ms and you can easily see why this drive deserves its Enterprise tag.

Sisoft Sandra


If you look at the chart portion of the picture you will see the Blue line with dots and that’s the normal curve most drives run at. Platter HD’s start recording at the inner edge of the platter and work outward and as it works outward the data is passing the head less often. Think of an old-fashioned record, you put the stylus on the outer edge of the record and as the record plays the head moves toward the center. Hard drives do the exact opposite and they start at the inner edge and work their way to the outer edge. The inner edge has less circumference, circumference is defined as the distance around the edge of a circle, so the inner edge has less circumference so the data passes the head more often and that downward curve of the blue line is the norm for most hard drives.

Take a look at the red line which goes across with minor dips and peaks and that’s our Seagate 8TB Enterprise Capacity HD leveraging its Enterprise heritage hovering about 227 MB/s all the way across without speed degradation in relation to the circumference of the platter. All of that is just a fancy way of saying the drive doesn’t slow down as it reaches the outer edge of the platter.


The File System benchmark shows the Seagate 8TB Enterprise Capacity HD sequential read bandwidth at 146.39 MB/s and the write bandwidth at 194.26 MB/s with sequential write at 200.65 MB/s and a random access time of 10ms.

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One comment

  1. Your review results are completely bananas.
    I just bought three of these drives, and they do have a 225MB/s speed at the start of the disk, but they go down exponentially to about 115MB/s at the end (just like every other hard disk drive does).
    If you look carefully at the reported capacity in EVERY ONE of your tests, you will know why: you have been testing only the first 2.2TB of the disks.
    This review must be completely rewritten with correct results, or should be delete.

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