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VisionTek USB Pocket SSD 120GB (900718), Pocket Sized Speed Demon

VisionTek USB Pocket SSD 120GB, A Closer Look

Visiontek Pocket SSDA

The VisionTek USB Pocket SSD 120GB comes in a hangable plastic clam shell and for all the world looks like a durable USB 3.0 Flash drive. Having gone over the specification on the previous page we know that the resemblance ends there. The genius of the VisionTek USB Pocket SSD is that it is smaller and more portable than other external SSD’s which are nothing more than a normal SSD stuffed into an external drive casing. While external SSD’s serve their purpose this SSD will fit on your key ring or in your pocket.

Visiontek Pocket SSD_1A

The VisionTek USB Pocket SSD 120GB has a casing made of aircraft quality Aluminum , has a substantial look and feel to it and appears to be quite rugged. You can expect a look and feel of ruggedness because VisionTek designed the SSD to take the occasional fall impact and keep on running for years to come.

Visiontek Pocket SSD_2

Looking at the business end of the VisionTek Pocket SSd you can see it’s blue indicating that it is a USB 3.0 device and from the specifications it’s entirely powered by the USB 3.0 Bus so no bulky adapter or cables are needed. Utilizing a SandForce SSD controller the Pocket SSD comes closer to saturating the USB 3.0 bandwidth than any other drive with this Flash Drive form factor than we have ever seen.

Visiontek Pocket SSD_3

The back of the Pocket SSD is unremarkable but shows the ridges that make it easy to insert and remove the drive from your local USB 3.0 port. The VisionTek USB Pocket SSD 120GB is backwards compatible with USB 2.0 but I wouldn’t do that except in a pinch because you’ll be wasting all that blazing speed with the older USB 2.0 standard.

Review Overview

Performance - 8
Value - 8.5
Innovation - 9
Features - 8
Quality - 8.5


The VisionTek USB 3.0 performed well but to perform at full speed requires a re-format to 4k sectors. Even using legacy 512K sectors performance was high and the drive is durable enough to survive the toughest road warrior.

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