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HAVIT Lammergeier RBG Gaming Keyboard and Mouse Combo Set

HAVIT Lammergeier Mouse


The HAVIT Lammergeier mouse is a work of art from the easy palm resting surface to the left wing thumb perch the mouse is designed for maximum comfort during long gaming sessions. We’ve seen one or two mice that have a thumb rest but this one is probably the best thumb rest on a mouse we’ve ever seen.  At first it’s a little strange not having your thumb drag the mouse pad / mat but you quickly become accustomed to it and it keeps your thumb right over the two left side buttons.


The Lammergeier sports 6 buttons, the two normal top, a scroll wheel click, DPI button and the two side buttons which in our opinion is plenty of buttons. We’ve seem 14 and 15 button mice with panels of buttons on the side and they are just to crammed together to be of any use. The Lammergeier is ergonomic enough that your finger rest where they need to be to access all the buttons. They two side buttons even have a texture to them that makes it easy to identify when your thumb has slid onto the button. Adjustments to DPI are fast and accurate up to 3200 DPI in preset increments of 800,  1600, 2400 and 3200 giving you a range of sensitivity for whatever game situation you happen to be in.


The sife of the Lammergeier mouse is a polished high sheen surface and the buttons are textured and lean out into your thumb a little for easier actuating during heavy gaming when you head can get a little scrambled, Slide the thumb up and hit the button in front and reload your weapon if that’s what you want the button to do, then rock back and have the back button lob a grenade. Yes everything about the Lammergeier mouse was well thought out positioned and well built.


The Lammergeier mouse is strictly for right-handed people and not geared for lefties. As you can see both sides are polished but it’s not a clinch mouse it’s a comfort mouse your hand rests on so the additional bling on the mouse has no real effect on play-ability.


At first the bottom looked like metl but on closer inspection it’s plastic. The silicone feet are embedded in a raised plastic lip that helps protect them from peeling away with heavy use.


Shown beside the Lammergeier mouse the connector is USB and gold-plated to ensure god non-corroded contact with the USB port.


From the front the Lammergeier Mouse looks like it’s ready to pounce on unsuspecting opponents and appears to be well-shaped for a human hand.


Resting your hand on the mouse puts you ergonomically right where you need to be, it fits the hand well and the thumb rests easily on its ledge side buttons at the ready with nothing more than a little rock of your thumb.


Other than not being huge fans of polished surfaces on mice we really can’t find nothing we don’t like about the Lammergeier mouse. It fits the hand well, tracks well and for the pair to be priced at $89.99 that’s really entry-level money for a good gaming keyboard and mouse and both the Lammergeier keyboard and mouse perform above entry-level.

Mouse Specifications

  • Interface:USB
  • Buttons:6
  • Cable Length: about 160cm
  • Resolution:800/1600/2400/3200DPI
  • Mouse Size:12.3*7.5*4cm
  • Buttons: Forward/Back/Left/Right/DPI/Scroll Wheel

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