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Vengeance® LPX 32GB (4x8GB) DDR4 DRAM 2666 MHz C16 Memory Kit Review (CMK32GX4M4A2666C16)

Final Thoughts & Conclusion

The Corsair Vengeance LPX kit’s real value comes in its secondary XMP 2.0 profile. When clocked to the 2666 MHz profile the Corsair Vengeance kit usually came in just ahead of our Kingston 2400 MHz kit but go to the secondary 2800 MHz XMP profile and it jumped ahead of all but the 3 GHz kit. The gem in the rough in this kit is the fact that the 2800 MHz CL 16 – 18 – 18 -37 profile is there for you at no additional cost.

Lets look at pricing on Corsair Ram for 2666 and 2800 MHz LPX kits (as of the time of publication). Here’s the Vengeance LPX 2666 MHz with a 2800 MHz Profile for $399.99 on NewEgg and the timings as previously stated are 16 – 18 -18 -35 for 2666 MHz and 16 – 18 -18 -37 for the 2800 MHz profile. Let’s compare this to a 2800 MHz-kit: Corsair Vengeance LPX 2800 MHz on NewEgg $809.99. So follow us closely for a second here, the Corsair Vengeance LPX kit we are reviewing (CMK32GX4M4A2666C16) is $399.99 with an XMP profile for 2800 MHz at 16 – 18 – 18 – 37. The Corsair Vengeance LPX 2800 MHz kit on NewEgg costs $809.99 and is timed at 16 – 18 – 18 – 36 so the timings are very close yet our review kit is $399.99 or under half the cost of the native 2800 MHz kit. Corsair quality, Corsair Limited Lifetime warranty and a Gifted XMP essentially making your kit virtually the same as the $809.99 kit. How much more can you ask for?

It’s surprising and amazing that Corsair can offer such a value on this Vengeance LPX kit and if it’s Corsair quality and warranty you are looking for or insist on the Corsair Vengeance LPX 2666 MHz (CMK32GX4M4A2666C16) kit is a rarely seen value from a world-class ram memory manufacturer.

Award_ValueThe Bear Facts: The Corsair Vengeance LPX 2666 MHz kit was looking a little rough until we found the secondary 2800 MHz XMP 2.0 profile then the roughness polished out and we saw the kit for the gem it is.

Because of the exceptional value the Corsair Vengeance LPX 2666 MHz kit represents coming in at under half the cost of a native 2800 MHz Vengeance LPX yet still providing a 2800 MHz profile it earns an additional Best Bang For The Buck Award.

Pros Cons
  • Corsairs gifted 2800 MHz XMP Profile
  • Secondary XMP OutPerforms Our Other 2666 MHz Kits
  • Hassle Free XMP install
  • Overclocked to 3GHz
  • Low Profile High Efficiency Heat Spreaders
  • Limited Lifetime Warranty
  • Tech Support Free
  • Timings Could Have Been A Little Tighter

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