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Kingston HyperX Fury DDR4 32GB 2400MHz, Harness The Fury!

Sisoft Sandra 15 & Sniper V2

Sisoft Sandra 15

Designed as a complex utility for analyzing your computer’s software and hardware abilities as well as running various tests to stress out components separately, SiSoft Sandra Lite is one of the most resourceful apps in its category. It includes numerous options that require significant time to get used to if you’re not familiarized with this kind of software. Suffice it to say, it targets power PC users.



Sisoft Sandra’s Cache/Memory bandwidth test shows the Kingston HyperX DDR4 Fury 32GB 2400MHz kit behind about 25GB/s but again think about that the memory is moving 406GB/s and I’d be hard pressed to think of any disadvantage running at that speed.


Just a short explanation about Cryptographic Bandwidth. Cryptographic Bandwidth is a set of benchmarks designed to measure cryptographic performance in the most popular algorithms today: AES for encryption/decryption (AES256/AES128) and SHA for signing (SHA256/SHA1). They allow us to show the importance of hardware accelerated support in the latest processors (CPUs) on the market today.

In the Crypto test the Fury 2400MHz kit ran about 1.25MB/s slower so if you plan on encrypting all day the Predator Kit might be a better choice. I know I really enjoy my long days of encrypting much of nothing.


Sandra’s Latency test shows the Kingston HyperX Fury DDR4 32GB 2400MHz hit in at 1.3ns behind the Predator kit, both kits have the same CL 15 timings so you can expect the faster more expensive kit to run a tad faster.


We do see some difference between the kits here in Sandra’s Memory Bandwidth Test and the Predator 3000Mhz kit comes in 7 or 8 points ahead of the Fury 2400MHz kit. No difference in test speed was measurable by the human eye.

Sniper Elite V2

Sniper Elite V2 is a third-person tactical shooter that emphasizes a less direct approach to combat, encouraging the player as a sniper to use stealth and keep distance from enemy soldiers. Many of the single player levels allow multiple routes for the players to take, including multistory buildings and side streets to get vantage points and avoid direct firefights. Set in World War II, the player character utilizes appropriate weapons for the era. The sniper rifle is the primary weapon throughout the game, though additional side arms are available including submachine guns and pistols, silenced or not depending on the situation.



We set Sniper Elite to medium setting with supersampling turned off, this forces the load onto the CPU and memory and the Kingston HyperX Fury DDR4 32GB 2400MHz kit gave us 6 fewer frames than the 3000MHz kit.

Review Overview

Value - 9
Performance - 9.5
Quality - 9.7
Features - 9
Innovation - 9


The Kingston HyperX Fury DDR4 32GB 2400MHz kit runs with the big dogs, 32GB of future proof 288 pin Cl 15 rip roaring DDR4. it doesn't happen often but i'm at a loss for words, lets just say "Harness the Fury".

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One comment

  1. Hi! Thanks for the great review! Could you please send me the SPD dump from this modules? It would be cool to add this to Thaiphoon Burner’s SPD database – the only and the largest SPD database ever. This also could let me improve the program! If you need a free license for Thaiphoon Burner just let me know.

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