Monday , 30 September 2024
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NVIDIA Editors’ Day 2003

Check out the our coverage of NVIDIA’s first ever Editor’s Day! It was a great event where they let the press get up close and personal with top-level executives, developers and PR people.

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Eumax Keyboards

Have you ever been interested in keyboards that allow you to do more than just type characters? has a whole line of Eumax keyboards that fit meet these needs. We took a look at the EZ7000BK, an office/multimedia keyboard with tons of extra functionality, and the EZ3000B, a foldable …

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Connect3D Radeon 9600 Pro 128 MB

The Connect3D package is a spartan, no-frills affair, but the board is a good value, since it performs quite well, considering the street price. The best part is that it looks great (on screen) too! Also, Tron 2.0 (a DirectX 9 game) is used to examine visual quality and performance …

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Savage chatlog from 13 October

On the 13 October we held a chat with S2Games, the developers of the RTSS game Savage. During 1 1/2 hour we asked over 40 questions. Both an edited and an unedited chatlog can now be viewed here.

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RAIDing with Maxtor

200GB of UltraATA 133 Maxtor disk is a very good thing. Is 400GB really twice as nice? We found out when we took two and set them up in a RAID 0 configuration.

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