Friday , 20 September 2024
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NVIDIA Editors’ Day 2003

Check out the our coverage of NVIDIA’s first ever Editor’s Day! It was a great event where they let the press get up close and personal with top-level executives, developers and PR people.

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Eumax Keyboards

Have you ever been interested in keyboards that allow you to do more than just type characters? has a whole line of Eumax keyboards that fit meet these needs. We took a look at the EZ7000BK, an office/multimedia keyboard with tons of extra functionality, and the EZ3000B, a foldable …

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Connect3D Radeon 9600 Pro 128 MB

The Connect3D package is a spartan, no-frills affair, but the board is a good value, since it performs quite well, considering the street price. The best part is that it looks great (on screen) too! Also, Tron 2.0 (a DirectX 9 game) is used to examine visual quality and performance …

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Savage chatlog from 13 October

On the 13 October we held a chat with S2Games, the developers of the RTSS game Savage. During 1 1/2 hour we asked over 40 questions. Both an edited and an unedited chatlog can now be viewed here.

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RAIDing with Maxtor

200GB of UltraATA 133 Maxtor disk is a very good thing. Is 400GB really twice as nice? We found out when we took two and set them up in a RAID 0 configuration.

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Biostar iDEQ 200N SFF System

As you all know, Shuttle isn’t the only company out there competing in the small form factor (SFF) PC market. Biostar has several great entries that promise to provide great performance and features. This review covers the nForce2 offering — the iDEQ 200N. Check it out!

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