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Kingston SM2280S3 120GB M.2 SATA SSD Review

Drive Throughput Tester, Sisoft Sandra & AiDA64

Drive Throughput Tester

DiskTT is a small and portable testing tool that uses Windows core read and write functions to write a temporary file to the specified drive, then read it back sequentially and randomly to get three resulting scores. The test file can be between 10MB and 100GB with a block size to test of 1KB up to 8MB. To test a different drive to C, change the path of the test file to “User defined path” and select a drive letter. Windows file caching settings are available as an option but will often skew the results if not set correctly, so are best left alone unless you have a specific reason.

Drive Throughput Tester (Link)
Disk ThruPut

Keep in mind we test with an OS in place on SSD’s so often you won’t see those blank drive blazing speeds from tests run on empty drives. We are looking at Drive Throughput Tester for the sheer volume of data it runs to test a drive 2.993GB for a test is a good chunk. Drive Throughput reads, writes and random accesses that size chunk of data (with stock settings) measures the seconds it took and calculates the MB/s result. Sequential write we got 256.5 MB/s with read coming in at 296.3 MB/s and Random Access 51,7 MB/s. Random kind of threw us but who knows how throughput handles the test.

SiSoft Sandra




SiSOftSandra (Link)



SiSoft Sandra seems to like the Kingston M.2. SSD and the speeds are up around 500 MB/s and according to SISoft Sandras’ database the Kingston M.2. 120 GB SSD is schooling both a OCZ and a Samsung SSD quite nicely.


AIDA64 Extreme is a streamlined Windows diagnostic and benchmarking software for home users. The program provides a wide range of features to assist in overclocking, hardware error diagnosis, stress testing, and sensor monitoring. It has unique capabilities to access the performance of the processor, system memory, and disk drives.
– CPU, memory and disk benchmarks.
– System stress testing.
– Temperature, voltage and cooling fan monitoring.
– Hardware diagnostics.
– Software and operating system analysis.

AIDA64 (link)





AIDA64 loved the Kingston M.2. SSD with speeds ranging from 465 to 576 MB/s you really couldn’t ask more from the little drive.

Review Overview

Performance - 9.5
Value - 10
Innovation - 9
Quality - 9.5
Features - 9


The Kingston M.2. SM2280S3 120GB M.2. Solid State Drive surprised us with it's size and speed. Loaded down with an operating system, tested to the max it blew us away in Size, Price and Speed.

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