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Bjorn3D Hack-O-Lantern Contest

Create a techno-scary Jack O’Lantern and win big prizes in the Bjorn3D Pumpkin Mod Contest sponsored by the Asylum dwellers at BFG!

The Bjorn3d Hack-O-Lantern Contest:
Mod a pumpkin, win a prize!

The staff of Bjorn3D loves Halloween almost as much as we love modding our PC’s. So we’re going to combine two great things into one contest, the Bjorn3D Hack-O-Lantern Contest! Now you can mod a pumpkin and win something awesome. What are the prizes? How about these iNsAnE cards from BFG?

  1. BFG Asylum GeForce NV38
  2. BFG Asylum GeForce NV36
  3. BFG Asylum GeForce FX 5600 Ultra
  4. BFG Asylum GeForce FX 5200 Ultra
  5. NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200

What’s a pumpkin mod? Well, you’ve no doubt carved a pumpkin before, and you’ve probably done at least a few modifications to your PC. So just combine the two into a pumpkin mod! For example, where you might use a plexiglass window on your PC, put one in your pumpkin so we can see its guts. Instead of a candle, light up your Jack O’ Lantern with some cathodes or LED’s. Do pumpkins need fans? Couldn’t hurt! In short, use your imagination and PC mod skillz to show the world a techno-scary monster of a pumpkin. Please note that it is not necessary to build a working PC pumpkin. Although that’s a cool concept, we’re going for looks here, not function.

BFG Tech
A BIG thanks goes out to our sponsor — BFG Tech

Before you hit the pumpkin patch, sharpen your knife, and hook up the Dremel, we do have a few rules:

  • The contest begins Friday, October 10 and ends on Thursday, October 30.
  • You must have at least two pictures of your project. The first should be of the mod in progress and the second should be of your finished project. You may supply more pictures, however.
  • You may enter the contest 2 times, no more, but one less. Two shalt be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be two. Three shalt thou not count, nor either count thou one, excepting that thou then proceed to two. Four is right out. Once the number two, being the second number, be reached then you are done. Unless you prefer one.
  • The winners will be notified on Devil’s Night/Halloween Eve/October 30 (whichever term you prefer).
  • The First Place pumpkin will be displayed for all the world to see on Halloween (October 31) on the B3D home page.
  • No animals or other fruit/vegetables should be harmed in the process of creating your entry. Don’t even think about using a watermelon. But one of those really ugly, warty gourds they sell at pumpkin patches would be cool.
  • You can use any size pumpkin you want.
  • The judges will be the B3D staff and all decisions are final. Whiners’ brains will be eaten.

Here’s how to enter:

  • We’ve set up a special forum for the contest. Follow this link and add your entry. Click here to go to the contest forum.
  • Sorry, but due to bandwidth constraints we cannot host the images for this contest. You must supply your own server. Most ISP’s supply personal web space; we suggest you use that if it is available. If not, you may link to a page at a free site such as Geocities. They do not allow images to be directly linked, but you can link to a page.

Good luck, and have fun hacking your gourd!

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